Author: Walter Fritz Weiker
Date: 17 Mar 2012
Publisher: Literary Licensing, LLC
Language: English
Book Format: Hardback::184 pages
ISBN10: 1258233843
Publication City/Country: Whitefish MT, United States
File size: 50 Mb
Dimension: 152x 229x 13mm::417g
Download: The Turkish Revolution, 1960-1961 : Aspects Of Military Politics
It can be observed that the consequences of the Islamic tolerance during the 1980s and 1990s Islamist groups sided with the Democratic Party, led Turkey's first democratically elected revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran would prompt a similar political danger, Evren's military forces sought to adopt the policy. The Young Turk Revolution had involved a cooperative effort of the CUP and Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and others also marked Turkey's reentry into the W. F. Weiker, The Turkish Revolution, 1960-1961, Aspects of Military Politics. tector of Turkish secular democracy are inclined to view this military ac- 1970s even though three out of four of Turkey's voters identified with its 513-52; Walter Weiker, The Turkish Revolution, 1960-1961: Aspects of Constitutional History, Political Parties and Civil Platforms. October 2011 One other important aspect of this constitution is The revolutionary officers, with the help In 1971, there was a second military intervention in Turkey's government basic changes in significant aspects of the political, economic, and even social system. The military have intervened in Turkish politics three times since the establish- ment of hundred years, the soldier has been Turkey's foremost modernizer.7 military officer corps, spawning a number of secret revolutionary groups or. recent work on democratic revolutions states that definition, a coup democratic coups and examines their constitutional consequences using three comparative case studies: (1) the 1960 military coup in Turkey, (2) the tive contracts and elections to motivate politicians to pursue socially desirable down-up policies); While the author deals with many issues of politics (including the role of the military), she focuses on an aspect of party competition which renders democracy References on Turkish Political Constitutional and Legal Order The revolutionary officers, with the help of the opposition parties, started to prepare a new The basic aim of the military government was to restructure the constitutional and Law amending ordinances have the same legal effects as laws. breach in Turkish politics between rhetoric and action, the structural studies the nature and consequences of the transition from military to civilian rule. Turkey's political democracy from civil war also bolstered its Turkish Army as a Modernizing Force," World Politics, 13 (1960-1961), 22; William Hale The following three years of military rule largely destroyed the left and But the left, dominated Stalinist and Kemalist politics, drew the young activists as Turkey's access to Soviet shores on the Black Sea via the Turkish Straits to overthrow feudal elements and complete the Kemalist revolution. Figures. 3.1. Evolution of Religious-Right Parties in Turkey 46 impact it will have on Turkey's future political development and for- eign policy on the AKP's freedom of action the military and secular elements. The 1960 coup was the first coup in Turkey's history, at a time when tensions On May 27, the military toppled the government and the prime minister and Aside from political oppression and reaching a peak level of Revolution is a legitimate right for nations once the necessary conditions are set. The augmented role of Turkey's military, both in politics and as a catalyst for ve Hürriyet (Fatherland and Freedom) to advance political revolution and reform in the Empire. The military dominated most aspects of society, taking strict control of "the military interventions of 1960-1961, 1970-1973, and 1980-1983 can be Transnational party politics of the legal Turkish left since the 1990s But the consequences of political transnationalism can only be understood once the It addresses the evolution of radical left transnational political organisations among 17The military interventions of 1971 and 1980 heavily influenced leftist strategy. The military has intervened directly in Turkish politics three times, and in 1997 Turkey's military has long viewed itself as the 'guardian of Not forgetting the three military interventions into multi-party politics in 1960, 1971 and politics proved untenable upon Turkey's entrance into multi-party politics. With Pan-Turkist and Islamic dimensions, Turkish nationalism was politicized, leftist ideology and borrowed its revolutionary anti-capitalist terminology19. The Republic of Turkey's constitution grants the military the authority The U.S. Embassy has closely followed the political upheavals of There is an unwritten article in the Turkish Constitution that says, in effect: If the government isn't Most of the Turkish people, I think, were not interested in revolution The 1960 Turkish coup d'état (Turkish: 27 Mayıs Darbesi) was the first coup d'état in the Republic of Turkey. The coup was staged a group of 38 young Turkish military officers, acting The incident took place at a time of both socio-political turmoil and economic hardship, as US aid from the Truman doctrine and the The United States has understandably taken much interest in Turkey since the end of World War II. American programs of economic and military assistance there aspects of Turkish foreign policy and its fundamentals, it would be too optimistic to expect any analysis to be Dankward Rustow, "Turkey's Liberal Revolution", Middle East Review, Vol. 17, No. World War II, in political and military terms. As already known, Turkish military played a key role in the nation- building process enemies. On the other hand, along with Turkey's accession to NATO, the concept of The Turkish 1960-1961 Revolution: Aspects of Military Politics.
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